Nail Down Your Ayurvedic Dosha With This Quick Quiz

How to recognize disturbed Doshas and Agni (digestive fire)

How to recognize disturbed Doshas and Agni (digestive fire)

You can use Ayurvedic principles to eliminate or minimize the imbalance and re-establish the original constitution. The main challenge comes in recognizing the disturbed Doshas and Agni (digestive fire) and then the balance is usually created by removing the cause of the stress that caused the disturbance or created using opposites quality habits or factors.
How to recognize disturbed Doshas & Agni (Digestive fire)

What disturbs Doshas and how to recognize problems

When any internal or external stresses disturb the balanced Doshas or Agni (digestive fire), it reflects a change in one’s mental and physical state of the body.

Different factors can contribute to this stress, including seasonal changes, weather, work, family relationships, diet, emotional state, accidents, and living conditions.

In such circumstances, Ayurveda helps us make lifestyle changes to restore balance in doshas and support Agni.

Internal & External Stresses which disturb Doshas
Infographic representation of internal and external stresses
Vata: How to recognize disturbed Vata dosha

The constitution of the Vata mind and body is characterized by movement. The Vata mind is creative and tends to respond to influences quickly. Spender build and active body functions such as rapid speech are some examples.

You can recognize disturbed Vata if you notice the following symptoms in the Mental and Physical state of your body:


  • Lack of attention
  • Sleeplessness
  • Sensitivity to touch and noise
  • Mental Fatigue


  • Hate cold or cold weather
  • Stiff and craking joints
  • Constipation or runny bowel movement and gas
  • Muscular pain and tension
Infographic representation of the symptoms for you to look out for disturb Vata dosha
Infographic representation of the symptoms for you to recognize disturb Vata dosha in Ayurveda

The most important thing for balancing Vata is to have a routine. If your Vata is disturbed, try following a routine in your daily life.

Pitta: How to recognize disturbed Pitta dosha

The constitution of Pitta’s mind and body is characterized by clarity of thoughts and prone to heat. Pitta dosha leads to an ambitious mind with a penetrating mindset. Athletic build and intense body function such as high metabolism and excessive sweating are some of the typical examples.

You can recognize disturbed Pitta if you notice the following symptoms in the Mental and Physical state of your body:


  • Hot or short temper
  • Aggression
  • Overly competitive
  • Judgemental


  • Hate heat or hot weather
  • Flushed or red face
  • Burning sensation in eyes or face
  • Excessive thirst
  • Excessive sweating
  • Runny bowel movements
  • Skin rashness
  • Heat burns
Infographic representation of the symptoms for you to look out for disturb Pitta dosha
Infographic representation of the symptoms for you to recognize disturb Pitta dosha

Those with disturbed Pitta benefit from mild and soothing activities because Pitta tends to be intensive and aggressive.

Kapha: How to recognize disturbed Kapha dosha

The constitution of the Kapha mind and body is characterized by structure and stability. The quality of being patient and intentional are some of the mental qualities of Kapha dosha. In contrast, board structure build body and slow metabolism are some of the physical attributes of Kapha Dosha.

You can recognize disturbed Kapha if you notice the following symptoms in the Mental and Physical state of your body:


  • Clinginess to things or situations
  • Laziness, lack of inner drive
  • Mental clarity


  • Weight gain
  • Sluggishness and feeling of heaviness
  • Oily scalp and dandruff
  • Fatigue and lethargy
  • Difficulty in being active
  • Easy to get colds with cough
Infographic representation of the symptoms for you to look out for disturb Kapha dosha
Infographic representation of the symptoms for you to look out for disturb Kapha dosha

People who experience disturbed Kpaha should try to remain active and include exercises in their routine now and then.

Weak Agni: How to recognize disturbed weak Agni

A healthy Agni or digestive fire is one of the fundamental principles of Ayurveda. Due to our modern-day lifestyle, Agni is often more disturbed than compared in earlier centuries.

Weak Agni has manifested in the physical state, i.e., the digestive system. Look out for these symptoms:


  • Bloating after meal
  • Heaviness or fullness after a meal
  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn or Reflux
  • Fatigue even after eating a meal
Infographic on How to recognize disturb Agni or digestive fire in Ayurveda
Infographic on How to recognize disturb Agni or digestive fire in Ayurveda

A healthy Agni (digestive fire) stimulates nutrient absorption assimilation. The foremost thing in balancing Agni is to take care of what, how, and when we eat and how regularly we exercise.


The body is constantly going through changes so does the strength of the doshas and Agni. Developing self-awareness of one´s body to recognize the imbalance in doshas and Agni is always helpful.

There are a few general takeaways, such as due to its delicate nature Vata is the most easily imbalanced dosha. It is also the quickest one to rebalance. Pitta is more stable than Vata, while Kapha dosha is the most durable- if Kapha gets imbalanced, it requires effort to balance.

For you as an individual, the doshas that are most accessible to imbalance will be most vital in your constitution or most influenced by your lifestyle.

Take this quick quiz to find out your dosha.

The bottom line is that Ayurveda has a preventive approach to health; it can have positive results when used with conventional, standard medical care. However, it should not be considered a total replacement for standard, traditional medical care when dealing with severe health conditions.

Have a great week!

Bhanu xo

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