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How to Write Effective Affirmations That Really Work: 7 Amazing Tips!

How to Write Effective Affirmations That Really Work

We all want to be happy and achieve our goals, but sometimes we need a little help to get there. One way to boost your motivation and reach your potential is through the use of personal affirmations. But, if you’re like most people, you’ve probably tried this before without much success. The reason? Most personal affirmations are generic and don’t really resonate with you. So how to write effective affirmations that will actually work for you? Read on to find out!

how to write effective affirmations
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." - William Ernest Henley

What Are Affirmations? Is There Science Behind Them!

Positive affirmations are phrases or statements that carry positive connotations and are used to counteract negative or unhelpful thoughts.

They serve as a means to motivate individuals, facilitate positive changes in their lives, and improve their self-esteem.

This approach appears simple, but it is effective. The foundation of positive affirmations can be traced back to the self-affirmation theory (Steele, 1988), which suggests that humans are driven to safeguard themselves from threats by maintaining their self-integrity, which requires a certain degree of flexibility.

Happy woman
By juan mendez / Pexels Copyrights

Research done by Cascio et al. (2016) found through MRI evidence that specific neural pathways are activated when individuals engage in self-affirmation tasks, including daily positive affirmations.

Furthermore, research by Sherman et al. (2009) and Layous et al. (2017) has shown that self-affirmations not only reduce the stress that harms one’s health but also positively correlate with academic performance.

how to write effective affirmations
"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." - Buddha

What Goes Into Writing an Effective Positive Affirmation

To get the best possible result when you are writing your affirmations, there are a few things that can help. Following is a list of rules which is a part of the basic mindset required to write your functional personal affirmations.

All of these rules might seem like common sense, but it’s important to pay attention, as these will bring the best out of your affirmations.

1: Start With Journaling to Have a Clear Understanding of Your Affirmation Goal

One way to focus and clarify your thoughts is to journal your way to your perfect personal affirmation. Journaling is a great way to start your affirmations because it forces you to be more specific and personal. It’s also an excellent tool for centering yourself when setting goals, which will help keep them from feeling too far outside of reach!

For me personally, Journaling has helped me center my thoughts and become more specific with goal-setting manifestation. It’s a life changer for the better!

How to write effective affirmations that really work
By Jill Wellington / Pexels Copyrights
  1. So, start by journaling your thoughts about what you want to achieve or manifest in your life. What are your deepest desires? What makes you happy? What do you want more of in your life?
  2. As you journal, begin to focus on those things that are most important to you. From there, you can begin to formulate your personal affirmation. Keep it positive and present tense, and make it something that you can believe in.
  3. For example, if you want more support from your office colleague, then you can write something like “I feel supported and nurtured by my office colleagues.” The more specific and concise you can be, the better. Remember, this is for you and no one else, so make it something that feels good for you.
  4. Finally, keep journaling on a regular basis to keep your thoughts focused on your personal affirmation and manifesting your desired outcomes.
how to write effective affirmations
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes." - William James

2: Always be realistic while setting goals that are achievable within a timeline

So you have your thoughts together through journaling. Now it’s time to break these thoughts into realistic small achievable steps.

A personal affirmation is a powerful tool that can help you to manifest your deepest desires and achieve your biggest goals. However, it is important to be realistic when writing your affirmation in order to ensure its effectiveness.

Once you have decided what you want to achieve, be realistic in setting a timeline for yourself. It is not helpful to set unrealistic goals that you will never be able to reach.

Instead, break your goal down into smaller, more achievable steps that you can complete over time. By being precise and realistic in your affirmations, you are much more likely to see them come true.

3: Be Specific With Your Affirmation in Order to Visualize it Better

Positive affirmations
By ROMAN ODINTSOV / Pexels Copyrights

Personal affirmations are a powerful way to manifest the life you want. But, as anyone who has ever tried to write knows, it can be difficult to capture the very specific thought with the details that you want to manifest.

A goal-setting personal affirmation needs focus and clarity of thought. The more specific you can be with your thoughts, the better. By adding details to your personal affirmation, you can help to ensure that you hit your target goal.

For example, if you’re trying to manifest a new job, be specific about the position, salary, and benefits that you’re looking for. Specificity will help to focus your energy and thoughts and eventually help to Manifest your goal.

So, don’t be afraid to get detailed when writing your personal affirmation – it’s an essential part of making your dreams a reality. Start by being specific about what you want to achieve.

Vague affirmations such as “I am successful” or “I am happy” are less likely to be effective than those that are precise and to the point. For example, “I am earning $X per year” or “I am in a loving and fulfilling relationship.”

how to write effective affirmation
"Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion." - Jim Rohn

4: Pick the Right Time for Reciting the Affirmation

It is important to choose the right time to use your affirmations. If you are trying to increase your confidence, for example, you might want to recite them before a big meeting or presentation.

If you are working on manifesting abundance, it can be helpful to say them first thing in the morning or before going to bed at night.

5: Be Consistent in Practicing Your Affirmation: Do It Daily

Positive affirmations
By Tara Winstead / Pexels Copyrights

To see results, it is important to be consistent with your affirmations. This means saying them daily or even multiple times per day. The more you say them, the more likely you are to believe them!

6: Be as Positive as Possible: Keep Your Language Positive, Always

When crafting your personal affirmation, it is important to use positive words that describe what you want to achieve. For example, rather than saying, “I will avoid making mistakes,” try, “I will learn from my mistakes.”

The power of positive affirmations lies in their ability to help you focus on your goals and desired outcomes. By using affirmative statements, you can begin to train your mind to see the possibilities instead of the obstacles.

However, it is important to avoid using words like “try,” “might,” “not,” “can’t,” and “don’t.”

These words undermine the power of the affirmation and can prevent you from achieving your goal.

Instead, use language that conveys confidence and certainty. By speaking (or writing) with confidence, you are more likely to achieve your goal.

For example, instead of saying, “I am not anxious,” you would say, “I am calm and confident.” Instead, focus on what you can do and who you want to be.

You also want these statements short so as not to give off an overbearing feeling of being too long-winded (or wordy).

Finally, make sure there’s nothing negative at all near them – this includes referring back to past mistakes without dwelling too deeply on them; simply mentioning what happened instead will suffice.

7: The Length of the Affirmation Matters too

There is no “right” length for an affirmation, but shorter ones are often easier to remember and recite. Keep it concise and to the point!

how to write effective affirmation
"You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you." - Brian Tracy

Steps to Create Your Personal Affirmations

1: The Power of “I Am

Start with “I”: All affirmations should start with the pronoun “I.” This personalizes the statement and makes it more powerful.

“I am” is one of the most powerful phrases in the English language. When you start your affirmation with “I am,” you are affirming your power and ability to manifest change.

2: Start With the End in Mind

When crafting your affirmation, start with the result in mind. What do you want to achieve? How do you want to feel? Keep these things in mind as you write your affirmation.

3: Be Concise

Effective affirmations
By Tara Winstead / Pexels Copyrights

As we mentioned before, shorter affirmations are easier to remember and recite. Keep your affirmation concise and to the point.

4: Use the Present Tense

Using present tense language makes the affirmation more believable. For example, instead of saying, “I will be abundant,” you would say, “I am abundant.”

5: Use a Motivating Adjective or Verb

Choose words that inspire positive emotions, such as joy, love, or abundance.

You can also refer to a list of the emotion chart. This chart will show you the highest to lowest frequency words.

how to write effective affirmation
The list of all the emotions with associated colors

6: Be Positive

Remember to use only positive language in your affirmations. Avoid words like “not” or “don’t.”

7: Be Specific

The more specific you are, the better. For example, instead of saying “I am abundant,” you might say, “I am surrounded by abundance in all areas of my life.”

how to write effective affirmation
"Affirmations are our mental vitamins, providing the supplementary positive thoughts we need to balance the barrage of negative events and thoughts we experience daily." - Tia Walker

Examples of Personal Affirmations

“I am joyful and abundant.”

“I love my work and have all the resources I need to succeed.”

“I am filled with love and happiness.”

“I am grateful for all the good in my life.”

“I am surrounded by abundance in all areas of my life.”

“I am confident and capable of doing my work.”

“I am surrounded by people who love and support me.”

“I am grateful for all the abundance in my life.”

If you’re looking for a new job, you may affirm, “I am confident and qualified for the perfect job.”

how to write effective affirmation
"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." - Buddha

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Tell me the difference between daily affirmations and self-affirmations

Daily affirmations and self-affirmations are two types of personal affirmations. A daily affirmation is a positive statement that you repeat to yourself every day, usually in the morning. Its purpose is to help you focus on your goals and stay motivated.

A self-affirmation, on the other hand, is a statement that you make to yourself in response to a negative thought or situation. Its purpose is to help you reframe your thinking and feel more positive about yourself.

Both types of affirmations can be helpful in achieving your goals. However, self-affirmations may be more effective in helping you overcome negative thoughts and situations.

Happy woman
By Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels Copyrights

Q: How to Use Affirmations

The power of positive affirmations lies in the ability to harness positive thinking.

When you recite affirmations, you are training your mind to focus on the positive. The ability to think positive thoughts is powerful. When we focus on positive thinking, it allows us to see the good in every situation. Additionally, it gives us the strength to face challenges head-on.

For example, you might say, “I am healthy and happy,” or “I am worthy of love and respect.” The key is to choose an affirmation that resonates with you and that you can say with conviction.

When you repeat your affirmation, focus on how it makes you feel.

Do your best to believe the words that you are saying. Over time, this practice can help to train your mind to think more positive thoughts.

As a result, you may find yourself feeling happier and more confident.

how to write effective affirmation
"Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got this." - Chantal Sutherland

Q: Do writing affirmations work?

Can writing affirmations help you achieve your goals? The science says yes!

According to neuroscience, an affirmation can help to reprogram the brain and change your thinking patterns. This, in turn, can lead to new behaviors and improved results.

However, it is important to create realistic affirmations that you believe in order for them to be effective. So, if you’re looking for a powerful tool to help you manifest change in your life, give writing affirmation a try!

Q: Limitations Of Affirmation: Power for Some, Peril for Others

While affirmations have been found to be effective for many individuals, some people may not experience the same benefits.

A counterargument to the effectiveness of affirmations is that they may not work for those who need them the most, such as individuals with severe mental health conditions or trauma.

In some cases, affirmations may even be harmful if they are used to avoid dealing with underlying issues or if they reinforce negative self-talk.

Therefore, it is important to approach affirmations with mindfulness and self-awareness and to seek professional help if necessary.

While they can be a powerful tool for personal growth and success, they should be used in conjunction with other forms of therapy and self-care.

Final thoughts

I hope you found this article useful. If you’re new to affirmations, start by journaling your thoughts. From there, follow the steps discussed above to create your own set of personal affirmations.

Remember to keep them positive and realistic – daily affirmations should be believable and achievable goals.

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Additionally, creating and using self-affirmations requires a basic mindset shift – from negative to positive, from doubtful to confident, as discussed above.

But once that shift occurs, the possibilities for self-transformation are endless.

Give writing self-affirmations a try – start small, with just one or two per day, and see what happens. Watch your confidence grow as you begin to manifest the life you desire.

I’d love to hear about your experience with affirmations – How have personal affirmations worked for you in the past? Leave me a comment below and let me know.

If you have any doubts/questions or want to share your experience with using self-affirmations, please don’t hesitate to contact me here.

Thank you xoxo


Bhawana Sahu is the Founder of Babchi Terra, a Certified Ayurveda Practitioner and Certified Organic Skincare Formulator.

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